Quotes On Brexit

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LONDON (AP) — Theresa May is the 'Brexit Means Brexit' prime minister. For almost three years since Britain voted to leave the European Union, May repeated the mantra that she would deliver the departure.

But time and circumstance have made her change her words.

Here are some of the key quotes from a momentous day in the Brexit saga. A bove all, our objectives as Ireland and as Europe have been met - citizens' rights are protected. We have a financial. EU QUOTES Help to hold the door open to escape to a planned and stable future for Britain on the global market, and to assist others to leave the confines of the undemocratic EU, controlled by failed politicians from vassal states and unelected bureaucrats. Boris Johnson on Brexit in 6 quotes Concern that frontrunner's plans are vague and not thought through Boris Johnson wants to abandon Theresa May's Withdrawal Agreement and 'disaggregate' its. There are literally hundreds of quotes from Jacob Rees-Mogg that we could include in here but his constant claims about the UK's prosperity after Brexit is a real sticking point. In February 2019 he twice claimed that the UK and London will be flooded with investors looking to plunge their money into this newly rejuvenated post-Brexit economy.

July 11, 2016, while candidate for Conservative Party leader: 'Brexit means Brexit and we're going to make a success of it.'


Pa casinos locations. July 13, 2016, in her first speech as prime minister: 'As we leave the European Union, we will forge a bold, new, positive role for ourselves in the world.' Yako casino bonus code no deposit.

Gove Quotes On Brexit

Quotes On Brexit


January 17, 2017: 'After all the division and discord, the country is coming together.'


March 29, 2017, triggering the two-year countdown to departure under EU rules: 'This is an historic moment from which there can be no turning back.'


December 15, 2017: 'What people voted for last year was for us to leave the European Union and we will leave the EU on 29 March 2019.'


December 20, 2017: 'We are very clear — we will be leaving the EU on 29 March 2019 at 11 p.m.'


November 18, 2018: 'I'm clear people voted for us to leave. We will leave and will leave on 29 March 2019.'


February 7, 2019: 'I'm clear that I am going to deliver Brexit. I am going to deliver it on time.'



February 24, 2019: 'We still have it within our grasp to leave the European Union with a deal on 29 March.'


March 20, 2019: 'Two years on, MPs have been unable to agree on a way to implement the UK's withdrawal. As a result we will now not leave on time with a deal on the 29th March. This delay is a matter of great personal regret for me.'

Quotes On Brexit
Quotes On Brexit

Celebrity Quotes On Brexit


March 27, 2019: 'I know there is a desire for a new approach - and new leadership - in the second phase of the Brexit negotiations — and I won't stand in the way of that.'


Follow AP's full coverage of Brexit at: https://www.apnews.com/Brexit

Brexit has generated heated rhetoric on all sides. Here are some of the key quotes made during negotiations as the UK strove to make the break from the EU.

'There is no plan for no deal, because we're going to get a great deal' – Boris Johnson, speaking in his role as foreign secretary, July 11 2017.

Quotes On Brexit Deal

'The free trade agreement that we will have to come to with the European Union should be one of the easiest in human history' – Liam Fox, then international trade secretary, July 2017.

'Of course, nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. There is, I believe, a new sense of optimism now in the talks, and I fully hope and expect that we will confirm the arrangements I have set out today in the European Council later this week' – prime minister Theresa May, December 2017.

'Would it be the way I negotiate? No, I wouldn't negotiate it the way it's (being) negotiated… I would have had a different attitude. I would have said that the European Union is not cracked up to what it's supposed to be. I would have taken a tougher stand in getting out' – US President Donald Trump, January 2018.

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'It's highly improbable, but always possible, that the deal will come apart at the end for some wholly unpredictable reason' – David Davis, former Brexit secretary, March 6 2018.

Cameron Quotes On Brexit

'It seems to me that the national interest requires a Secretary of State in my department that is an enthusiastic believer in your approach, and not merely a reluctant conscript' – David Davis, resigning from the position of Brexit secretary, July 9 2018.

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  1. 4James O'Brien hits out at accusations Remainers are defending EU in vaccine row
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'I cannot in good conscience support the terms proposed for our deal with the EU' – foreign secretary Dominic Raab, resigning from the position of Brexit secretary, November 15 2018.

Dup Votes On Brexit

'We have seen examples of societies where they dropped the vase. Look at Great Britain. The politicians and residents have forgotten what they achieved together. Now they are in chaos' – Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte, December 18 2018.

'It was a wee bit nebulous. There's not a lot of detail there' – first minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon commenting on Theresa May's Brexit deal, December 19 2018.



January 17, 2017: 'After all the division and discord, the country is coming together.'


March 29, 2017, triggering the two-year countdown to departure under EU rules: 'This is an historic moment from which there can be no turning back.'


December 15, 2017: 'What people voted for last year was for us to leave the European Union and we will leave the EU on 29 March 2019.'


December 20, 2017: 'We are very clear — we will be leaving the EU on 29 March 2019 at 11 p.m.'


November 18, 2018: 'I'm clear people voted for us to leave. We will leave and will leave on 29 March 2019.'


February 7, 2019: 'I'm clear that I am going to deliver Brexit. I am going to deliver it on time.'


February 24, 2019: 'We still have it within our grasp to leave the European Union with a deal on 29 March.'


March 20, 2019: 'Two years on, MPs have been unable to agree on a way to implement the UK's withdrawal. As a result we will now not leave on time with a deal on the 29th March. This delay is a matter of great personal regret for me.'

Celebrity Quotes On Brexit


March 27, 2019: 'I know there is a desire for a new approach - and new leadership - in the second phase of the Brexit negotiations — and I won't stand in the way of that.'


Follow AP's full coverage of Brexit at: https://www.apnews.com/Brexit

Brexit has generated heated rhetoric on all sides. Here are some of the key quotes made during negotiations as the UK strove to make the break from the EU.

'There is no plan for no deal, because we're going to get a great deal' – Boris Johnson, speaking in his role as foreign secretary, July 11 2017.

Quotes On Brexit Deal

'The free trade agreement that we will have to come to with the European Union should be one of the easiest in human history' – Liam Fox, then international trade secretary, July 2017.

'Of course, nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. There is, I believe, a new sense of optimism now in the talks, and I fully hope and expect that we will confirm the arrangements I have set out today in the European Council later this week' – prime minister Theresa May, December 2017.

'Would it be the way I negotiate? No, I wouldn't negotiate it the way it's (being) negotiated… I would have had a different attitude. I would have said that the European Union is not cracked up to what it's supposed to be. I would have taken a tougher stand in getting out' – US President Donald Trump, January 2018.

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'It's highly improbable, but always possible, that the deal will come apart at the end for some wholly unpredictable reason' – David Davis, former Brexit secretary, March 6 2018.

Cameron Quotes On Brexit

'It seems to me that the national interest requires a Secretary of State in my department that is an enthusiastic believer in your approach, and not merely a reluctant conscript' – David Davis, resigning from the position of Brexit secretary, July 9 2018.

  1. 1The shape of Brexit Britain is becoming clearer
  2. 2The New European is under new ownership
  3. 3Pro-EU campaigner hits back at Brexiteers over vaccines debate
  1. 4James O'Brien hits out at accusations Remainers are defending EU in vaccine row
  2. 5Jeremy Hunt warns Keir Starmer is biggest threat to Tories since Tony Blair
  3. 6The vocabulary of the Vikings
  4. 7Joanna Cherry ‘sacked' in SNP Westminster reshuffle
  5. 8Tory MP chided over tweet celebrating Brexit anniversary
  6. 9Arlene Foster accuses Boris Johnson of 'dereliction of duty'
  7. 10Fifteen ways to fix Britain

'I cannot in good conscience support the terms proposed for our deal with the EU' – foreign secretary Dominic Raab, resigning from the position of Brexit secretary, November 15 2018.

Dup Votes On Brexit

'We have seen examples of societies where they dropped the vase. Look at Great Britain. The politicians and residents have forgotten what they achieved together. Now they are in chaos' – Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte, December 18 2018.

'It was a wee bit nebulous. There's not a lot of detail there' – first minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon commenting on Theresa May's Brexit deal, December 19 2018.

'We're on our own!' – Actor Jodie Whittaker, following an apparent reference to Brexit in an episode of Doctor Who on January 1 2019.

'It is and will always remain a matter of deep regret to me that I have not been able to deliver Brexit' – Theresa May, after resigning as prime minister, May 24 2019.

'It is vital that we are prepared for a no-deal outcome if we are going to get the deal that we need. I don't think that is where we are going to end up, I think it is a million-to-one against' – Boris Johnson, as Conservative Party leadership candidate, June 26 2019.

'Whack it in the microwave, gas mark… I'm not very good at cooking… Gas mark 4. Prick the lid. Put it in, and then we can get on… we can put this deal through Parliament' – Boris Johnson, referring to his 'oven ready' Brexit deal, November 2019.

'The 'oven-ready' deal will give us indigestion for years and years and years, so I'm very, very disappointed in this direction they're taking' – Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage, speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, December 10 2019. The real lester diamond.

'Let's get Brexit done' – Boris Johnson, after securing a landslide victory in the general election, December 2019.

'Let us celebrate tonight as we have never done before. This is the greatest moment in the modern history of our great nation' – Nigel Farage, addressing crowds seconds before the UK's departure from the EU at 11pm on January 31 2020.

'What's called Brexit will be a dim, distant memory – it will be far, far behind us as a country… it will be a historic event that people can barely remember' – prime minister Boris Johnson to a 10-year-old, January 31 2020.

'Given the latest Covid-19 developments, UK and EU negotiators have today jointly decided not to hold next week's round of negotiations in London, in the form originally scheduled. Both sides are currently exploring alternative ways to continue discussions, including if possible the use of video conferences' – Joint statement from Brexit negotiating teams, March 12 2020.

'I do think we need to be very, very clear, there is now a strong possibility – a strong possibility – that we will have a solution that is much more like an Australian relationship with the EU than a Canadian relationship with the EU' – prime minister Boris Johnson, December 10 2020.

'(Boris Johnson) has been cavalier. This is a man who is cavalier with our national interest and … he is playing Russian roulette with the jobs and livelihoods of people up and down the country' – Shadow business secretary Ed Milliband, speaking on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show, December 13 2020.

'It's the moment of truth. We have very little time remaining, just a few hours, to work through these negotiations in useful fashion … There is a chance of getting an agreement but the path to such an agreement is very narrow' – EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier, December 18 2020.

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